The Nunciature

The Apostolic Delegation of Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway, Sweden) was established in 1960 by Pope Johan XXIII. In 1966 the competence was enlarged by Pope Paul VI also to Finland and in 1976 to Iceland. The Apostolic Nunciature was created by Pope Johan Paul II in 1982.

From 1960 to 2002, the Apostolic Nunciature was located in Vedbaek, Denmark. The Apostolic Nunciature was transferred to Djursholm in Sweden in 2002.



Apostolic Delegates

Archbishop Martin Lucas, S.V.D.
Apostolic Delegate (1960 – 1961)

Archbishop Bruno Bernard Heim
Apostolic Delegate (1961.11.09 – 1969.05.07)

Archbishop Josip Žabkar
Apostolic Delegate (1969.05.17 – 1981.10.27)

Archbishop Luigi Bellotti
Apostolic Delegate (1981 – 1982)



Apostolic Nuncios

Archbishop Giovanni Ceirano
Apostolic Nuncio (1992.08.20 – 1999.02.27)

Archbishop Piero Biggio
Apostolic Nuncio (1999.02.27 – 2004.10.16)

Archbishop Giovanni Tonucci
Apostolic Nuncio (2004.10.16 – 2007.10.18)

Archbishop Emil Paul Tscherrig
Apostolic Nuncio (2008.03.05– 2012.01.05)

Archbishop Henryk Jozef Nowacki
Apostolic Nuncio (2012.06.28–2017.02.20)

Archbishop James Patrick Green
Apostolic Nuncio (2017.04.06– .)



Apostolic Pro-Nuncios

Archbishop Luigi Bellotti
Apostolic Pro- Nuncio (1982 – 1985)

Archbishop Henri Lemaître
Apostolic Pro-Nuncio (1985.10.31 – 1992.03.28)



The visit of John Paul II to the Nordic Countries

Apostolic Pilgrimage to Norway, Iceland,

Finland, Denmark and Sweden

(June 1-10, 1989)